All tagged anime

Memories, Loss, & Regret in Frieren

How do we make sense of time? It can be running out, or we can have all of it in the world. It can be of the essence, it can stand still. We wish we had more of it, but one day, ours will be up. How we view the precious little time we have on this planet is at the center of Frieren.

(Un)Limited Animation

5 seconds, using just 30 frames of animation, is all it takes to show a deep and intimate connection between two characters in the anime Wonder Egg Priority. The beauty of limited animation focuses attention and causes the viewer to reflect on the scene before them.

The Superscription of Narrative

Layering the past, present, and future on top of one another, 2006 anime Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni plays with time to critique stuffy traditions and also opens up its world infinitely to iteration. Postmodernity at its finest.

Deconstruction Monogatari —Part One—Geography

The Monogatari series is the perfect anime to deconstruct and examine its elements in detail. The solipsistic geography driven by the protagonist Araragi Koyomi asks the viewer to question if our unreliable narrator is presenting an objective world to us or if this anime world bends to the whims of our protagonist.